About Tymora Analytical

  Tymora Analytical Operations provides diagnostic development and exosome proteomics contract services and products for improved cancer research. Tymora’s primary goal is to enable the shift from tissue to liquid biopsy. Our new technologies allow detection of active exosome protein and phosphoprotein cancer markers directly from plasma, urine or saliva. As a platform to discover, validate and routinely detect diagnostic markers, our unique approach offers enormous potential to find signaling proteins in biofluids that were not previously accessible.   


Tymora’s technologies have been recognized internationally as novel, highly-effective and cost-efficient approaches to carry out proteomic and phosphorylation analyses. Tymora has received multiple NSF and NIH SBIR/STTR grants to further develop new applications of the technologies.

Tymora is open to collaborations with partners interested in our technology for design and validation of early disease detection tests, cancer monitoring post-treatment, or for companion diagnostic assays for pipeline therapies.

Tymora FCOI Policy

Here’s a better way to analyze EV (exosome) proteins and PTMs.

We’ve developed an improved approach to analyze 

EV (exosome) proteins, phosphoproteins and other

cancer-signaling molecules.

This technology, based on non-antibody affinity beads, is EVtrap

(Extracellular Vesicles Total Recovery and Purification) to help 

others learn more about cancer and other diseases.

Tymora Analytical routinely identifies over 1,000 unique proteins 

from EVs from only 0.01 mL of plasma or 0.2 mL of urine, a 

significant improvement over any prior data.

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“A Non-Invasive, Low-Cost

Procedure to Detect

Cancer Biomarkers from Biological Fluids”

Take a look at out our outreach article published in Scientia, the leading science communication publication. In the article, we discuss our non-invasive approach of isolating EVs from biofluids to discover more protein biomarkers than in previous methods. We also explain how we’re growing our network of collaborators by offering our EV proteome analysis services to researchers like you.

Who should partner with Tymora?

Contract Research Organizations


If you conduct research for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, or medical device companies—with us, you can deliver innovative research and help them save costs on biomarker discovery and drug development.

Pharmaceutical and

Biotechnology Companies

If you work in pharmaceuticals or biotechnology, you can study biofluid samples with our non-invasive biomarker discovery to develop a companion diagnostic for your therapy.

Research Scientists and Clinical

Program Directors

If your career involves researching for cures or overseeing a research team, you can partner with Tymora Analytical to gain access to more effective, state-of-the-art technologies.

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Why partner with Tymora Analytical?

Whether you’re researching biomarkers or developing a new drug, we understand how important your work is. That’s why we’ve developed a more effective way for you to analyze and develop new disease markers.

Currently, genetic screens dominate the market. However, genes just show one’s predisposition to developing a disease— for example, a 40% chance of getting breast cancer. In addition, CTCs and cfDNA are present at very low levels and are extremely difficult to detect at early stages.

Non-invasive protein analysis, on the other hand, provides real-time information about one’s disease progression. Tymora Analytical conducts this biopsy-free test using exosomes and other EVs so we can analyze what’s actually going on.

We’ve developed a new technology—EVtrap—to help other researchers detect thousands of active disease proteins and phosphoproteins from biofluids like blood, urine, and saliva. And, we would love to collaborate with you for more biomarker discoveries.

When you work with us, you're getting:

Innovative R&D products and services 

Unprecedented technology like EVtrap 

 Accurate information about a disease’s 


Grant assistance for funding your research 


Helpful resources for ongoing education

Optimized On-plate Protein Binding Buffer - 50mL

조회수 87


On-plate Protein Binding Buffer 50mL


 Optimal Binding buffer for immobilizing proteins onto polystyrene plates. Dilute the protein mixture in 100uL of the Binding buffer and incubate overnight at 4 degrees Celsius and 400-600 rpm to immobilize the proteins. Remove the buffer before next manipulation steps. Store the product at 4 degrees Celsius.



 SKU: BIND. Categories: pIMAGO-ELISA, Supplementary Products.

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