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EnoGene Biotech Co. Ltd, is a biological high-tech corporation that specializes in developing and production of antibody related products for biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology and other reagents in general laboratory use. EnoGene Biotech possesses advanced equipments, a highly experienced professional team, and the first class laboratory technology to offer the best products and services to universities, colleges, academes and institutes. At the same time, EnoGene Biotech focuses on transferring and developing the innovative research findings to reagent products. We will contribute to the development of biomedical research with our continuous new products.

At present, we have established the full-blown technology for monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies development. Meanwhile, we provide researchers with biotech services like peptide synthesis, monoclonal antibody development, polyclonal antibody development, antibody validation by Western Blot, ELISA, flowcytometry, immunohistochemistry, etc. Through normative experiment operation, sternly control of the quality, and the full-blown technology, we will provide researchers high-qualified biotech services, saving your time and energy for more secrets in the vast field of life science.

Innovation drives EnoGene continuous growth in the life Science technology field, providing the latest and most advanced services of this domain. In short, we can supply you with constructive suggestions and comprehensive solutions to the problems you meet during antibody development. EnoGene is committed to developing itself to the world's provider of antibodies and antibody related services with the best quality and the most competitive-edge prices. We're sure that EnoGene will become your right hand and a partner you can trust.

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GABAB receptors couple to Gαq to mediate increases in voltage-dependen…

조회수 99


- GABAB receptors couple to Gαq to mediate increases in voltage-dependent calcium current during development


- Andrew Karls andMichelle Mynlieff et al


- 28 AUG 2015


- Article first published online


  • calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II;
  • GABAB receptor;
  • G-protein;
  • Gαq;
  • L-type calcium channel;
  • protein kinase C


Thumbnail image of graphical abstract

Metabotropic GABAB receptors are known to modulate the activity of voltage-dependent calcium channels. Previously, we have shown that GABAB receptors couple to a non-Gi/o G-protein to enhance calcium influx through L-type calcium channels by activating protein kinase C in neonatal rat hippocampal neurons. In this study, the components of this signaling pathway were investigated further. Gαq was knocked down using morpholino oligonucleotides prior to examining GABAB-mediated enhancement of calcium influx. When Gαq G-proteins were eliminated using morpholino-mediated knockdown, the enhancing effects of the GABABreceptor agonist baclofen (10 μM) on calcium current or entry were eliminated. These data suggest that GABAB receptors couple to Gαq to regulate calcium influx. Confocal imaging analysis illustrating colocalization of GABAB receptors with Gαq supports this hypothesis. Furthermore, baclofen treatment caused translocation of PKCα (protein kinase C α) but not PKCβ or PKCε, suggesting that it is the α isoform of PKC that mediates calcium current enhancement. Inhibition of calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II did not affect the baclofen-mediated enhancement of calcium levels. In summary, activation of GABAB receptors during development leads to increased calcium in a subset of neurons through Gαq signaling and PKCα activation without the involvement of calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II.

Activation of GABAB receptors in the neonatal rat hippocampus enhances voltage-dependent calcium currents independently of Gi/o. In this study, knockdown of Gαq with morpholino oligonucleotides abolished enhancement of calcium influx and protein kinase Cα was activated by GABAB receptors. Therefore, we hypothesize that GABAB receptors couple to Gq to activate PKCα leading to enhancement of L-type calcium current.


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